The institution

The museum system

MontichiariMusei is a museum system recognized by the Lombardy Regional Government and established in 2009 by the Municipality of Montichiari to enhance the tangible and intangible heritage of its civic museums.

Bonoris Castle, Lechi Museum, Pasinetti Art Gallery, Bergomi Museum, the historic Museum of the Risorgimento, Palace of Archeology and History of the territory are part of the museum system.

Lechi Museum and Bonoris Castle are members of Rete dei Musei dell’800 lombardo.
Bergomi Museum is a member of the Rete Musei e Beni Etnografici Lombardi (REBEL).
The Historical Museum of the Risorgimento adheres to the MudRi – Museo diffuso del Risorgimento.

The management of personnel and the organisation of the activities of the Montichiari Museums is entrusted to Montichiari Multiservizi srl, a company of the Municipality of Montichiari.


Ferruccio Capra – president
Lia Gandini
Omar Ghiorsi


Lorella Romanini

WORKING GROUP MontichiariMusei

Paolo Boifava – director
Valentina Bicelli
Laura Boscaglia
Michela Capra
Ilaria De Mario
Maria Grazia De Simone
Federico Migliorati
Laura Piazza
Franco Tedoldi