The Museum
On May 20, 1934, an exhibition of memorabilia and documents relating to the Risorgimento and the I World War, was inaugurated at the headquarters of the National Combatants Association of Montichiari. The intent was to witness and exalt the sacrifices and sufferings of the soldiers of Montichiari and Italy. Mario Baratti (1893-1970), assistant pharmacist, former officer decorated for bravery and a war invalid, organised the exhibition.
In 1940 the idea was born to create a patriotic-religious place of worship, which took place on several occasions and was completed by Agostino Bianchi (1921-1993), primary school teacher, from Vicchio Mugello, former officer decorated for bravery. Thus, the museum moved to its current location and the adjacent Church of Suffrage (17th century) became a place to remember all the citizens of Montichiari who died in the national wars. The exhibition is located in a single room of about 100 square meters. The memorabilia and documents, (approx 1,000), are kept in the original showcases dating back to 1934. The expositive path is divided into a chronological and thematic itinerary, from 1796 until 1945. The collections, as a matter of fact, document social and military aspects of the 19th and 20th centuries: the evolution of uniforms, firearms and equipment, war propaganda , the ways in which an agricultural community experienced compulsory conscription and the phenomenon of nationalization of the masses. Particularly valuable pieces are five stereoscopic devices, which date back to 1935, for viewing in 3D the photos of the I World War (about 250).
The evocative setting and the collections contribute to the ultimate goal of the exhibition: to be a moment of reflection and civil education.

On other days open by reservation only
Not accessible for wheelchair users
For information: +39 030 9650455
Via Guido Tedoldi,1
25018 Montichiari BS